Best Nutrition Strategies For Healthy Teeth

Most people may overlook the importance of dental health. And nutrition plays an important role in this. If you want to know what to eat to keep your teeth and gums healthy, read the whole following article.

Healthy teeth and gums are necessary for us to munch nutritious foods. And we need to consume nutritious foods for healthy teeth.

When we were children, the development of your teeth was impacted by our diet. And as we grow up, with all teeth in place, what we eat influences maintaining dental health.

Dental distress

We are at higher risk of tooth decay, gum disease, and even bone loss if we do not pay attention to take care of our teeth and gums.

It would make you surprised that the state of our teeth and gums can predict systemic problems that contain the cardiovascular disease, celiac disease, diabetes, sinus infection, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel disease, gastroesophageal reflux, alcoholism, and the list goes on. The fact is that sometimes your dentist can diagnose these conditions before your doctor!

If our eyes are a window to the soul, our teeth and gums are a window to our bodies.

Nutrient deficiencies & oral health

Every three to seven days, mucosal cells in our mouths disappear. Therefore, the mouth is the first place to reflect nutrient shortfalls or excesses before we can realize anywhere else.

Lower blood levels of vitamins and minerals are related to Periodontal disease. So, to make the treatment successful, getting enough of specific nutrients is essential.

Now you may wonder what do you need for healthy teeth and gums and why. The answer is in the table below.

NutrientWhat you need it for
ProteinTooth structure, mucosal/connective tissue development, and immune function.
CalciumTooth structure; may enhance enamel remineralization.
PhosphorusTooth structure.
ZincMucosal/connective tissues and immune function.
AntioxidantsMucosal/connective tissues and immune function.
FolateMucosal/connective tissues and immune function; low levels are associated with periodontal disease.
IronMucosal/connective tissues and immune function.
Vitamin AMucosal/connective tissues and immune function. But be aware that getting too much from supplements may result in gum problems.
Vitamin CCollagen maturation and maintaining the integrity of the periodontal ligament; mucosal/connective tissues, and immune function.
Omega-3 fatsMucosal/connective tissues and immune function; modulates the inflammatory response.
Vitamin DMucosal/connective tissues, immune function; may enhance enamel remineralization.
B vitaminsEpithelial cell turnover.

What to eat or avoid

A whole list of nutrients is excellent but as you are standing in the grocery aisle, you still need to know exactly what food to purchase. Fortunately, there is nothing special to do. You need to consume mostly whole foods diet with lots of lean protein and fresh vegetables. And it would be best if you remembered to avoid eating processed foods, especially those that are high in simple sugars.

Take your fish oil.

We will provide you with a list of a few foods, nutrients, and supplements that may act a specific role in oral health.


Probiotics help reduce gingivitis and plaque as bacteria in fermented foods can prevent the growth of pathogens in the oral cavity.


Cranberries and other plant foods are the rich sources of anthocyanins. Blueberries, red cabbage, eggplant peel, black rice, and raspberries are some of them. Due to their property, they can prevent the attachment and colonization of pathogens on host tissues (comprising teeth).

Green tea

Polyphenols are famous for their function to decrease bacteria and toxic products of bacteria in the mouth. As tea is rich in fluoride, it has become the most well-known tooth strengthener.

Chewing gum with Pycnogenol

If you want to decline plaque and bleeding gums without using any medications, you can try chewing gum made with pine bark or sap.


Following a diet that consists of soy may assist you in lowering periodontal disease.


Arginine is a vital amino acid that can alter oral pH and reduce the risk of cavities.


Coenzyme Q10 is a substance similar to a vitamin. It contributes to producing energy, and you can find it in every cell. If your body does not have enough CoQ10, periodontal disease will develop.

Echinacea, garlic, ginger, and ginseng

Based on some researches, these plants assist in limiting the development of periodontal pathogens in test tubes. However, human studies are still not enough to conclude about their benefits.


In order to prevent decalcification in our bodies, the mineral fluoride plays a crucial role. This also means that it contributes to absorb and use calcium effectively. Moreover, fluoride in saliva can improve the remineralization of enamel. You should understand that taking in a sufficient amount of fluoride is much more important than a cut down amount of sugar when preventing cavities.


  • Brush your teeth not only with a fluoride-based toothpaste but also baking soda-based toothpaste. The baking soda will increase the pH in your mouth, which makes it more alkaline and reduces the risk of cavities.
  • Avoid smoking. Smoking can wreak havoc on gum and tooth health.
  • Drink green tea. Due to its property, drinking green tea promote the health of your teeth and gums. It reduces inflammation, makes your mouth more alkaline, limits the development of cavity-causing bacteria, prevents tooth loss, may slow the progression of oral cancer, and freshens breath by killing odor-causing bacteria.
  • Chew xylitol gum after meals. Xylitol raises saliva production and can prevent the bacteria in your mouth from creating the acids that cause cavities.
  • Eat mostly whole, nutrient-dense foods that supply a whole lot of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin K (especially K2), and vitamin D. Foods like leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, hard aged cheeses, plain yogurt, meats, natto, beans, mushrooms, fish, eggs, and organ meats all work here. In addition, ensure that you get some sunlight.
  • Eat some raw, crunchy fruits and vegetables every day. Raw veggies help you to clean your teeth to a degree (apples, carrots, bell peppers, and so on). If you eat an apple as dessert after lunch, it will help you eliminate material that has adhered to the surface of your teeth. Also, apples include naturally occurring xylitol.
  • Cut down added sugars from both foods and beverages. Soda, fruit juice, energy drinks, candies are on the list. Energy drinks are particularly harmful because they combine a high sugar load with an incredibly acidic pH. You will lose all your teeth on your 45th birthday if your diet is designed with energy bars and energy drinks.
  • Maintain a lean/healthy body composition. Excess body fat can make systemic health poor, and also causes poor oral health.
  • Increase the amount of arginine in your diet. It would be best to consume more spinach, lentils, nuts, eggs, whole grains, meat, seafood, and soy.
  • Get regular exercise. Exercise seems to protect against periodontal disease.

The bottom line

Most individuals know that regular movement, eating well, sleep, and stress management is necessary if they want to be good looking and feel better. Nonetheless, just a part of them can do that. This is why Steel Bite Pro supplement is created. It is a very new product that combats bacteria and supplies nutrition to your oral health. All the ingredients of the Steel Bite Pro are different species of herbs, nutrients, and plants.

This perfect combination can help you get rid of plaque buildup, pain in the gums, oral infectious diseases, and other common oral health problems. It is easier than ever as you need to take pills every day to keep your perfect smile and fresh breath. We highly recommend it to you. As always, you need to consult your doctor before deciding to utilize any supplements. Your safety is the most important thing.

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